Month: April 2016

My Bitter Sweet Mentality

Unconditional bliss. That’s what I want to feel when I’m seventy-five years old sitting in a rocking chair with my old, wrinkled husband. I want to look over at my front yard and see the neighborhood kids screaming at the top of their lungs, chasing one another. I want my kids to come visit me with the few hours they’ll be able to spare. All these things are attainable, but one factor stands in the way: time. Will I get to live to seventy-five? Will I be able to sit on my front porch admiring a picturesque, summer day? Will I get to see the ones I love and hold dear to me? It’s the unknown that frightens me. It’s the concept of dreaming a dream so faultless; you can’t help but wonder whether it can happen. But I find myself often reminiscing on my life thus far and each time I recall the sources of my happiness, my desire to live without questioning the unknown dwindles. And I hope and pray that one day the fear of not knowing will disappear. When I’m that seventy-five year old woman, I want to hold the hand of the man I love and vividly recall every moment of our affection. Whether it is the good or bad, I want to cherish each second that led us to where we are today. My yearning to hold on to and relive each memory is irrefutable as it is to many others. But as I age, my memory will fail me. Once again time will have taken its toll, blurring away snippets of my life. It will strip me of memories I thought were etched into my brain. But see, even while writing this, my pessimistic, doubtful side has unveiled itself. The craving to live a life of love and happiness burns to my core, but accepting happiness when an end to such emotion is inevitable haunts me. My entire existence is going to feel like an endless journey. But I know somewhere at the end of the tunnel, I will find bliss. There are these bright lights, these positive moments in life, which simply appear. You must seize the moment and live for those instances. Each day the sun will set and the laughter, sorrow, pain, and joy of the day will disappear with it. But regardless of the emotions felt, a new canvas is presented with each coming day. I must learn to realize this journey may feel alone, but it is essential I allow myself to be susceptible to the unconditional love that fills the air surrounding me. Whether it is coming from the man I choose to marry, or my friends and family, I must leave behind my reservations of the future, and live for the moment. The clocks will continue to turn and though I see time as my enemy, it is everlasting reality and accepting its role in my life will only ease the journey I have destined ahead.

Copyright is something completely new to me. I have little to no knowledge about it and yes; I realize it’s as terrible as it sounds. The Creative Commons page was extremely helpful in expanding my knowledge on copyright and the different types of licensees available. When I’m creating my work, I would love it if others could share it as well. I think that’s not only flattering, but if my work is of assistance or serves as inspiration to someone else, I think they should be able to pass it along. Granted, I do believe I should receive credit for the entire work. I would like to be attributed for my hard work even if I don’t mind it being shared. As far as derivative works go, I don’t think I would mind remixes of my work, as long as it’s credited to the creator, which would be myself in this case. Spreading ideas and feeding off the inspiration and thoughts of others will always be okay in my book as long as you’re acknowledging the original creation. I think it’s as simple as the old saying goes, “sharing is caring.” Having that said, I would choose the Attribution 4.0 International license as my form of intellectual protection. This is probably the most flexible license that I saw. Others will be able to go in and take my work and build on it in their own personal way. My work can serve as a platform, which they can add to, or share if they like the original work the way it is. With this license, work can be used commercially or non-commercially as long as it’s credited back to the original and that’s exactly what I was looking for. I don’t mind it being used commercially at all! I like the idea of spreading information on any medium and choosing this license will allow maximum sharing while giving credit where credit is due.

Works Cited
“Creative Commons License Deed.” Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0. Creative Commons, n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2016. <>.
“Keep the Internet Creative, Free and Open.” About The Licenses. Creative Commons, n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2016. <>.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.